Sverve is a network that I really like. It is a place for the bloggers to share some tips, posts and find new followers, readers. Not only that, it is a good place to find sponsors if you think of monetizing the blog.
Recently I joined with Sverveand surprisingly Sverve became the 2nd source of income for Food Corner in just few weeks after sign up with them. Sverve is a platform where brands and bloggers meet. It is really easy to join with this network. Then, there are some campaigns going on which they pay for posting a sponsored posts, reviews. So far I have engaged in few campaigns and I received $30-$50 per post depending on the brand. This is a post I received last month which they paid $50 for the post & they asked me to write posts in my other blog too, totaling $100 from the same brand. Try this site. It is a powerful network which allows you to engage with brands.
Here is how it works.
Join with Sverve
(join as an influencer)
Simply add 5 areas of influence on your profile.It can be anything like Food & cooking, Blogging, Parenting etc which matches with your blog theme.
Follow others and endorse them on their areas of influence. Of course,I would like if you follow me there and endorse me too.
Depending on your profile & engagement, you will receive a score. Still mine is 38.Once everything is completed, you are able to apply for campaigns.
Oh! Don’t just join there to apply for campaigns. Engage with other bloggers and make some new readers to your blog!
Anyway,Sverve is not only for finding sponsored posts.It is a place to networking. Most campaigns requires a minimum no. of Sverve score to apply.This score depends on facebook profile,twitter,alexa rank,page views and Google rank.So,after sign up with Sverve,network with other bloggers there.Be social and get the score increased. This site is really good if you think of monetizing the blog.
Try it & don’t forget to follow me & endorse me there too!
following u there
nyc info Amila.. shall chk it out
Hey there,
I had applied for so many on Swerve and I get no replies, do they reply via email?
They reply to Sverve account,but I always receive an email notification and also a tweet.Actually I received few good campaigns after few days of signing up
Great info Amila…….wl try it
I just joined Sverve, too! I have not done any sponsored posts, but it has helped me to become a contributor at Parade magazine which is very exciting! I will look for you there!
I am also a member of Sverve but I haven’t had time to explore its benefits. After reading your post, I think I’d better get busy! Thanks.
Sometimes I really don’t have time,but still it is a good place to find new ideas as most of bloggers share different contents.Of course,I try campaigns too
Thanks for the information…………will surely sign up.
Oh! So you blog here! You are the first person I endorsed when I joined Sverve! This is really a good post.
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