It is thought that cottage cheese was first created with the leftover milk from butter makers working out of cottages in 1831. Known as a fresh cheese, it is not aged or ripened to enhance the flavor, leaving it creamy, white and soft, with a mild flavor. Nowadays, it’s produced from the curds of pasteurized cow’s milk and can be made into non-fat and low-fat versions as well as a regular style. Curds can be made in small, medium and large sizes for variety, with fruit added to please different palates.
You will most probably find cottage cheese at your local store. Alternatively, you can read this article from specialized food review site Today Top Reviews to find the best choices available online.
Read below to learn about the nutritional benefits of your favourite diary product.
Packed with Protein
Among various milk types, cow’s milk is believed to have some of the highest levels of casein protein, vital to athletes, sports participants, bodybuilders and anyone looking for energy. This type of protein digests and releases energy slowly, powering the body over the long haul. Casein is a milk protein that creates curd cheese when it is exposed to acid and coagulants involved in the production process.
Full of B-Complex Vitamins
This cheese is full of B-complex vitamins, which are vital to a body’s metabolic system. These include riboflavin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, niacin, folate and vitamin B-12, which is needed to help absorb iron in the body as well as for proper brain functions.
Riboflavin: converts carbohydrates into energy
Thiamin: converts sugars into energy
Pantothenic acid: part of the synthesizing process that helps form fats, amino acids, carbohydrates, and protein in the body
Niacin: important for energy production, lowering cholesterol and aiding digestion
Folate: produces red blood cells, which aids in development of the fetus in pregnant women and supports heart health
Enhances Bone Strength
Milk and milk products are well known sources of calcium which helps strengthen bones and stimulate weight loss. It also helps prevent osteoporosis and colon cancer and aids the nervous system as it sends impulses throughout the body.
Contains Antioxidant Properties
One trace element found in this cheese is selenium, which has been found to have antioxidant properties, protecting cells and DNA from free radicals in the body. Only 50 to 70 micro grams of selenium is needed to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and help extend the life, even if slightly, for those diagnosed with colon cancer.
Helps Improves Digestion
Phosphorus is also found in this cheese, which is vital for forming RNA(Ribonucleic acid) and DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) as well as working alongside calcium for bone formation. It’s also a key player in the processes of cellular energy, excretion and digestion. This cheese contains 159 mg of phosphorus, supplying 23% of the recommended daily allowances.
Affects Biological Functions
Zinc is found in numerous parts of the human body, such as the eyes, prostrate, liver, bones, muscles and the brain. Zinc helps to improve our digestion and immune systems, and is involved in the metabolism of RNA and DNA. It helps to control diabetes, repairs night blindness, improves eye health, helps maintain the appetite, fights some infections and helps prevent prostate disorders. Oh, and it also has antioxidant properties. Zinc is vital for good health. The zinc level in this cheese has 4% of the daily recommended requirement.
Maintains Blood Sugar Levels
The human body needs magnesium for many processes. This vital mineral has a hand in activating different enzymes in the body, helping with muscle and nerve functions and building up the immune system. This cheese has 25 grams and is a good source of magnesium.
Stroke Prevention
Potassium has many benefits to the body, helping to balance the fluids which affect blood pressure levels and vessel contraction. It affects the brain’s neural activities too, and also helps minimize muscle cramps, lower anxiety and stress levels. Cottage cheese contains 104 mg of potassium which is 2% of the recommended daily allowance.
Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer
According to 16 years of research from Harvard School of Public Health, premenopausal women who consume high levels of low-fat or skim milk dairy products saw a reduction in breast cancer incidents due to vitamin D and calcium, both of which are in this cheese.
Cottage cheese can almost be considered a super-food, supplying so many nutritional benefits to the daily diet. You can add it to recipes, eat it alone or with fruit as well as eat it for any meal.
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