Water is no doubt very essential to the existence of man. There is almost nothing that human does in which water does not have a part. Talk about transportation, food, chores, construction, among others. Water as part of food is also very pivotal to the survival of human, animals and plants alike. While farmers need water in form of rain for their crops, cattle rearers need water for suitable pastures for their cattle or sheep, as the case may be to graze. There are numerous uses of water which this article would not be able to exhaust. The bottom line, is that the fact that water is important to the existence of living things can never be overemphasized.
However, as much as water is essential to the existence of human, water in some certain states could be dangerous to the health of human. This article aims at discussing how cooking with unfiltered water could affect your food.
You might have been so much used to cooking with water that is not filtered and you might not have in any way reacted to this in a negative manner. However, this does not change the fact that unfiltered water affects your food in certain ways.

Chlorine is an essential and very effective way of combating bacteria lurking around in water. However, even though the bacteria are dealt with, that doesn’t change the fact that certain sediments of chlorine or whatever water cleanser you use, would be left in the water, and that is where filtering comes in. Without filtering your water, you stand to cook with whatsoever sediments are left in your water and that is not so healthy for any human. As much as chlorine is effective, it has been linked to certain health challenges. For example, you could suffer from eye irritation as well as a dry and itchy skin. Going to the pool should make this scenario totally relatable, because it is the same chlorine present in your water that is used to treat the pool. Respiratory issues are also related to the conscious or unconscious consumption of chlorine, whether you are just taking water ordinarily or you are taking in food made with water that has chlorine content. The respiratory airways, with the presence of chlorine tend to contract and this could cause choking or difficulty with breathing as the case may be. As effective as chlorine could be, there are some bacteria that escape its effects and this means such bacteria are still present in the water you are consuming without filtering. This could cause serious illness as a result of bacterial infections.
Though you might not have noticed, cooking with unfiltered water affects the taste of your food. You can figure this out be cooking with filtered water and then unfiltered water, then you try both out. At times you might not need to consume such unfiltered water directly, whether in drinks or in food. Such unfiltered water could come in contact with your cooking utensils during washing or rinsing as the case may be, and consequently the effects of the contact you have via your utensils or directly from food, are similar. That is why making use of unfiltered water cannot be overemphasized.
Apart from chlorine, there are also a number of other contaminants that could affect the taste of your food; for instance, copper, iron, algae, and many others. Ordinarily, no one would take things that they can see are contaminated by these contaminants. You not seeing these contaminants in your water physically, doesn’t in any way lessen the negative effects the water has on your health. If you are a kind of person with the “what you don’t know will not kill you” mindset, we advise you to change such a mindset.
Now to filtering. Filtering your water is not something that is difficult at all. In fact, it is something you can do by yourself with the help of a water filter pitcher. A water filter pitcher is a container for filtering water in simple terms. All you need do is pour the unfiltered water into the pitcher and you are rest assured that in using the water coming out of the pitcher, you are using safe and contaminant free water.
It is said that health is wealth and amazingly, to a large extent, you have your health in your hands, so why don’t you make the right decisions with the health in your hands and enjoy what good health has to offer.