Although someone once said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we can all agree that flowers are nature’s most beautiful creation. Flowers are a matter of personal preference, and occasion, but there’s no denying that the sole appearance of a flower brings joy and energy into our life.
With a passion for flowers and making people happy, A Better Florist introduced an entirely new concept to Singaporeans, and they seem to have hooked on it.
Even if you’re not the greatest flower lover, and flowers aren’t your passion, A Better Florist crafts bouquets that compel you that you actually adore flowers. Their florists are like ticking bombs of creativity, that don’t waste a single second of their existence. Everything in their offering, from arrangements to fruits baskets and hampers is carefully designed and put together so that you’re presented with an authentic, modern and clean design. They put in a lot of attention and detail into every single order, making them one of the rare florists who think about their customers and their flowers to that extent.
Although breathtaking blooms are two words that might be enough to persuade you to buy your next rose bouquet from them, it’s not the only thing that separates them from the rest of the flock. Their philosophy encourages you to gift flowers for a good reason or no reason at all, because flowers have that power to alter your entire day and make it magically better.
Why should there be a special occasion to tell someone you love them? Why only the select few experience Instagram-worthy should blooms? A Better Florist found the right answer to all these questions, and decided to bring luxury closer to you every day.
But don’t worry, the price won’t break your bank. Ideally, they would be the cheapest florist Singapore has ever seen, but they are not. There are dirt-cheap flower shops in Singapore, which cater to those who aren’t looking for special blooms or express delivery. A Better Florist is actually affordable, compared to the beautiful flower creations they produce.
Another perk that is sure to blow your mind is their delivery. No more flowerless dates and anniversaries, because A Better Florist delivers every day. Even if you place an order the same day, you can have your flowers delivered within only 90 minutes. In their dictionary, there’s no word like excuse or false promise. They’ll come through every single time.
Is A Better Florist worth looking into, even if you’re not that flower-obsessed? Absolutely, because it’s a life-saver we all need in our busy lives. Check out their blooms and be the judge.