Nowadays, when holding an event, it becomes primitive if you do not hire a catering service to cater to the needs of the attendants. There are so many groups which offer catering services depending on the agreement between the two parties. Can you imagine inviting family members and friends for an end of year party and you are the ‘chief cook’ with the assistance of your only daughter? It will look abnormal, and at the end, this will turn out as some form of slavery. Catering as a department therefore has simplified this. They only need to know the number of guests expected to attend hence plan effectively. They will in return make the event colourful and it will be remembered for long. For example, Shamrock offers the following services:
Cocktails and Canapés
Cocktail parties involve socialising, having refreshing drinks and also having a taste of delicious snacks together. They require a lot of work to make them cherishable for an extended time. In most cases, the host does not enjoy the event well as he/she may be involved in some other activities such as behind the bar mixing drinks. He/she may be in shock wondering whether the appetisers will be enough for all the available guests.
• Beverages

In these parties, there are experts qualified with mixing skills to attend the staff, and there is also a bar that is well equipped not only to cater for the drinkers but even those who do not drink. In this case, everyone in the party is entitled to enjoyment.
• Canapés
There are various canapé options made depending on the preference of the customer. The ingredients used to make them are in their natural state as nothing is added to make them better or stay for a long time. Also, these ingredients are gathered locally which therefore means canapés are built from scratch.

Corporate Events
These are affairs which include the launching of a product, weddings, celebrating, fashion shows and also cocktail parties. In these occasions, it’s vital that a mental picture is left in the minds of your guests. For example, spoon premium as a branch of Shamrock Office catering ensures the events are made to be exceptional by designing the menus to cater to the needs of the individual guests. There are also special services from the staff, entertainment equipment, and even a well-established site to conduct the event.
Junk Boat Catering
Whenever individuals decide to tour in the waters using boats, they need to prepare themselves to ensure that the whole process becomes successful. Catering groups provide you with various items on their menu and what remains is enjoying the sun.
In the modern world, things have tremendously changed as compared to the past. Parties of various kinds, wedding ceremonies, celebrations and also launchings were being carried out in an ordinary way. The people involved were only required to plan and share the duties among themselves. Although most of these occasions turned out to be colourful, this was due to the extraordinary efforts laid down by the participants. Due to a large number of people who turn out in events and improved living standards, this traditional method is therefore not suitable. Most people are now opting to hire catering groups such as Shamrock Office catering to relieve them from the exhaustive duties in such events.